Every little kid loves Old McDonald's Farm
Here at the ABC Preschool Farm we have many budding farmers
Old farmer Peyton had a farm
e i e i o
and on his farm he had a
Pig named Porky.
e i e i o
With an oink, oink here and an oink oink there.
Here an oink there an oink every where an oink oink.
Old farmer Chandler has a farm of Sheep.
His Sheep is named Serta.
Serta says bahhhhaaa....
Old farmer Jerome had a farm of cows.
This cows name is Blue Bell.
Blue Bell says moooo.....
I hope you had fun meeting some of my little farmers and their Farm yard puppets.
Hagen and Grace what a sweet little brother and sister playing so well together.
I couldn't resist snapping their little photos.
Just another Day here at Mrs. Sheryll's
See ya tomorrow