Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting Funky

ARE YOU READY TO PLAY ! Lets use our imagination... Lots of learning going on with creative play.
We had some really awesome weather today before and after lunch and rest time. We spent some good quality time outside with our friends.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Lots of playing games, puzzles, and reading books today. What a Monday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can see, we all got so excited to see our little Sofie just starting to walk. She was proud of herself too...so cute.

kathy's 532.MOV

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day !!!!!!!!!!

Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!. We had a blast. A group of the kids went out side and searched for twigs, each child got to draw a picture or write something just what they wanted for their dads. We appreciate each and every one of you fathers out there. We praise you for your wonderful love that you give your children.

Our art project this week was so much fun to make. Some of the older children had so much fun helping the younger children with making theirs. We got to make our butterflies and hang them up for everyone to see.

Monday, June 14, 2010

After activities at the table this morning it was time for art. Painting and drawing with chalk was a good pick.

As the children were drawing the pictures all starting forming and looking so beautiful, what a wonderful looking side walk. We are loving it.

Friday, June 11, 2010



OK, little Deva's

If you missed Friday, you missed alot of fun, we had a PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!
Clara's Day, her own little party right here at preschool. No other word to express just ADORABLE!!!

Yum!!!. This hurts when I'm on a diet.Ouch, well we are all going to miss Clara very much. She is going to be spending the summer with her mommy, way to go Clara. We all love you so very much, and will miss you so much...
Clara's mom brought us treats and Clara gave each one of her friends a package. They loved the sugary treats. Your welcome!!!!!!!!

Today we had a friend Mrs. Betty Hayes come to ABC to share some books from Boone Co. Library. She supports friends from the library. And shares with us her time, she loves coming to our preschool to read, she compliments us a lot on how well behaved the children are.

June 10th Skyler's 4th birthday, Happy Birthday Skyler. Nothing like cup cakes and parties. We LOVE them.

Little Sofie is not kidding around at getting this cup cake down, she ate the whole thing...Sooo cute...
Little Madison is getting around like the big kids some. And she is loving the crawl and pulling up stage.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I just want to thank everyone that visits our site here, I realize that there are times when I get so busy that I fail to post on a regular basis, as I would like to do. Last week Kathy had to be out because her children were sick. My daughter Amber has just moved back home, she will be taking nursing at North Ark, this summer, and fall. I'm so happy she is spending time home with me right now. So she has been a tremendous help here in day care. Also some of you already know that my daughter Kara is getting married in Florida in October. She just moved last week, and that was very hard to let her go. But when your children are grown it is difficult but best to let go, when they are ready...So now that our busy personal lives are seeming to get back on track, I hope that my posting for our preschool does too.
This summer I will be working toward becoming Quality approved. QRIS stands for Quality Rating Improvement System. There will be a time that Headstart and Preschools will have be rated on a star system. No other FCC facility in Harrison is Quality, so I would like to be the first to get this education behind me. This is something I am going to work hard on this summer. There will be changes in our program, but only for the good. Good learning materials, and schedules. Along with becoming QRIS, I will then in turn work just as diligently toward ABC ( which is Arkansas Better Chance ) . The state of Arkansas requires that I take some more child development classes, and the state will visit grading me on my EVERYTHING!  judge our child care of how well we are implementing the program. We will be better then any headstart program. We are already better in the sence that we give the comfort of family home vs headstart. But this program will allow us to take children ages 3 to 5 and some on a income scale guideline so that it wont be as hard financially for some parents to have their children in a Quality perfesional facility. I will keep you all up dated on the progress. Thank you for being here for me...
Some building tracks for trucks on the floor and in the sand.

Sofie and Killian are getting along just fine, the fact that Sofie is just about to walk and celebrate her 1st birthday doesnt bother Killian yet, but he may be jelious to see her walking when he hasnt crawled yet. Killian is 5 months old.

During Memorial Day I made a trip to Oklahoma City to visit my sister that just had her appendix removed. Wow ya, she didnt even know for two weeks that they had burst. Just suffering the pain and found out she had her small intestine build a shield around it for her, which saved her life, Thank God for that. Here in this picture are two of my grandchildren and three of her's. It was a blast visiting them all.  Killian had a blast in the pool while we were there. It was to good of a picture to not share with you....

Kade and Xander having a great time out doors. Xander is Jaxon's brother, he will be visiting us this summer. Welcome aboard Xander...!
Keeton has sure got his place all arranged to play, he has been watching the big boys and knows now just how to do it. We are going to miss Keeton and Kade this summer, but they both will be returning in the fall.

Sarah Grace she is back from last summer, she is 4 going on 5 but misses going to Kindergarden in the fall, such a shame some of these children that are 5 but misses the cut off time are so ready for school...Does anyone reconize little Michael, the sweetist little boy ever, he attended ABC until he was about 1 1/2 now he is 2, we got to have him back with us last week.

Whitney is also visiting us, she can only be here one hour in the evening, but lots of memories we hold of when she was with us all day last year. Whitney is no stranger to ABC she got to be here with us for 1 1/2 to 2 years. We love you Whitney!!!