Today was such a picture day
We started putting out Christmas Decorations
and the kids had so much fun helping I
just had to pull out the camera!
Klaira and Paige are facinateded by the
musical snowman, singing christmas carols.
I caught Gavin looking at his reflextion
in the Christmas bulb. "Adorable"
I sarted taking some new pictures
for our lockers for this month.
Taiya and her big smile!
Because of the santa next to the
Christmas tree Dawson and Natalia were
neither one impressed. So after covering up
Santa with a blanket they helped put on another bulb.
Precious picture of Landrie helping with the tree.
R.J. and Peyton putting on some ornaments!
Killian getting the hook ready so
the bulb can hang on our tree
Bryce was such a good helper

Posing for the camera!
Aiden is so handsome!!!
A little I Pad playing from Killian and his cousin
Cute pic.
Peyton's adorable smile
Jaden! Handsome kiddo!
Jerome! I love this picture
R.J. Helping decorate
Raelynn having fun!
Taiya and Landrie having fun outside.
Some childrens picture's that I didnt post was not
intentional, just put some on not all.
But will try to post each one as often as possible.