Thursday, February 25, 2010

Water Table " Water Creatures"

Getting Up In The Morning

 In our dramatic play area we have added more dress up clothes, hats, and scarves. This has been a fun experience because yesterday in our play time we tried to have a relay of getting dressed up and who could do it the fastest. Well, .... we will try that again another day. It was a hard task. I think it was because they didn't want to be putting on someone Else's real clothes. Consumes are different.

 Some more sunshine faces we are making, we are going to put our own smiley faces in our sunshine's.
Kason is concentrating very hard there with a Kaboodle. So today we have used our cutting skills, gluing skills, and making our projects look colorful and bright. Lots of fun helping, learning and playing with our friends.
 How much glue is to much glue? Well it is fun trying to figure it out.

 Our Theme this week of Getting Up in the Morning has generated some discussion about the sun coming up. Here is some happy sunshine faces.
Kason has been helping his friend Tanner with his number from 1 to 6. A little fish counting game has become a hit for learning as they play. Tanner is learning and Kason get to teach. How much fun is that. I remember always wanting to be the teacher in dramatic play, or preacher or mother. So funny thinking back at how important it made you feel.

It has been a great pleasure having Ms Betty Hayes come to ABC and read books from the Boone Co Library, she is one of the many that volunteers to read for children. She says she enjoys it so much, and loves coming here because our children are so well behaved. That I know, and makes me very happy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

                                  " A little help from my friend "
                                                                                                                                                                                  Finger licking Good!

Food preparation is a excellent way for the kids to feel involved, and they all love it every time. Chocolate covered pretzels. Even if the chocolate didn't hit the pretzel its all good.
A little concentration and fun.
with the crafts for Valentines Day it is keeping us busy and having lots of fun. Playing games and reading our favorite books. My meeting in Springdale meeting with other child care providers from other parts of NW Arkansas it was very educational. Learning to make the necessary changes to become Quality and ABC.

Awesome work from theses two requires awesome stickers.
What a snow week, hum...ready for it to be over!.
Clara having fun with the new girl Destiny.

Kathy would seriously do something to me. It's just to funny to not share. Just hanging around. hehe

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

With our new painting area, this is going to give the kids a lot more opportunity to get the brushes out!. Kason and Skyler both was so talkative during their painting masterpieces. The final product there was not one piece of white paper left.
Lauren kicking back with a good book (relaxed).Danica and Lauren
Lots of music yesturday, singing as we drum the drums, shake the symbols, A lot of noise but we had a really good time. We are learning some new songs this week Maybe we could incorporate the musical instruments to that " umm" well try.

Skyler, some intense writing there! He was making it for his dad.
Our table activity on the magnet and felt board. Lauren and her best friend Danica.

Groundhog Day

Old Groundhog stretched in his leafy bed.
He turned over slowly and then he said,
"I wonder if spring is on the way,
I'll go and check the weather today.
If I see my shadow between eleven and noon,
I then will know that I'm out too soon.
I'll crawl back in bed for six weeks more,
Pull up the warm covers and snore and snore.
But if no shadow gives me a scare,
I know that spring is in the air,
I'll wake my friends and wish them cheer,
With glorious news that spring is here."
( Sorry Mr. Groundhog go back to sleep, see you in six weeks)