Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day Weekend

My oldest daughter April and her three children came to visit during the weekend. For mother's day we decided to take the kids and go to Silver Dollar City, Oh boy, its been a few years and I forgot how steep those roads are. We had a really good time even though we did a workout for the week in one day. I would like to share some pictures. I love sharing pictures

This is April and her daughters Scotlynn, Lillian, and Ireland. We are on the trolley taking us in the park at Silver Dollar City.

Joining us is my youngest daughter Kara and her husband Brandon. I'm a scaredy-cat to ride the rollar coasters so Brandon and Kara came to ride with the pre teens.

Of course Scotlynn and Micheal needed us there to push them around all those hills all day. Micheal is Brandon's baby brother. Doesn't that look like a fun ride. I would have loved it so much...

Riding the Merry-Go-Round is a must, even Ms. Sheryll rode but we wont post that pic...hahaha

Scotlynn wouldnt mind being in every picture, she loves her picture to be taken.....
Swings, what a day to remember, those bigger kids are probably on that big rollar coaster about now...wow.
Choo Choo, Chugga Chugga Chug Chug....and we almost got robbed.
Time to cool off and one of their favorite places to play, it was so much fun.

Getting ready for the big wet ride.
OK, so I think I got the wettest. It all come down my back and it was sooo cold. FUN!
A little ICE CREAM
Then the ride back to the cars, my thoughts were now I have to finish it all off by walking to the car at the furtherest parking spot in the lot we parked in....OK I was wore out.; It was a wonderful day! Would I do it again soon, I hope not...Happy Mother's Day to you all, and I hope you had a wonderful day with your children and families.

1 comment:

April Irvin said...

Moooooommmmmmm...... Could you not have found a picture without my rolls in it. I do realize that i have rolls. I do my best to hide them though then you go and put a picture on your blog with them all out there for the world to see!!! I'll get you back! LOL.... my legs still hurt but i had a wonderful time pushing you up the hills. The day was perfect. Love you momma!