Monday, June 7, 2010

Some building tracks for trucks on the floor and in the sand.

Sofie and Killian are getting along just fine, the fact that Sofie is just about to walk and celebrate her 1st birthday doesnt bother Killian yet, but he may be jelious to see her walking when he hasnt crawled yet. Killian is 5 months old.

During Memorial Day I made a trip to Oklahoma City to visit my sister that just had her appendix removed. Wow ya, she didnt even know for two weeks that they had burst. Just suffering the pain and found out she had her small intestine build a shield around it for her, which saved her life, Thank God for that. Here in this picture are two of my grandchildren and three of her's. It was a blast visiting them all.  Killian had a blast in the pool while we were there. It was to good of a picture to not share with you....

Kade and Xander having a great time out doors. Xander is Jaxon's brother, he will be visiting us this summer. Welcome aboard Xander...!

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