Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Children of Mexico

Children in Mexico and their way of life, a lot of children in Mexico that go to school have to wear uniforms, we talked about the way some dress for entertainment and dancing. We made homemade tortillas with Kathy's help! . The kids each got to roll their own and let Kathy put it on the griddle. Afterward we rolled ours up with a little salt. Usually in Mexico they use tortillas for every meal. Putting such foods as refried beans, rice, cheese, veggies, and all sorts of food rolled up inside and that’s how they eat them. Yum! We all got to try on the Sombrero that came from Mexico. We had new words in Spanish introduced to us today: SIESTA (nap time), NINO (boy), NINA (girl), SI (yes), ADIOS (good-bye). Which Tanner happened to know very well. So cute!!!.

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