Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Long Over Due!

I'm telling you when I get behind I do it good, with just about everything that I try to get accomplished these days time has not been spent on my blog. I have been busy with a lot of stuff, during preschool hours of course working with the kiddo's and having fun, then afterwards so far this year has been pretty time consuming, hopefully it can slow down enough to get my blogging done more often!.

Peyton calls this due rag? haha I have probably got this all wrong. lol

Bryanna is working at making the worlds best est fish EVER!

Best Buds trying to save the princess, id show you the princess but
it may embarrass Josigha later so I won't.

This is Letters that were trying to paint here

The toys are just hanging around just like we are.
I came across this after the kids left the room for lunch.

 Jasigha looks better being a cowboy then a princess.
Yes, he does for sure.

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