What a Lucky Day....we found a four leaf clover in the yard......
Drawing with chalk on the concrete, I wonder what Cheyenne's going to think of that when he sees his well manicured lawn with a colored walkway, hehehe.....
After playing tag for along time, we just had to rest....
Our little frog friend. snapshot.
And my grandbaby Killian came by the other day to say hi.
What a day, we started out going outside getting the lawn prepared to be mowed when we came across this little frog. The kids went nuts wanting to keep him, I said only for a little while then we would have to let him go back to his home. So we had such a good time playing with him. He did not get harmed in any way. But the kids had a blast playing for awhile. A lot of video but each kids reaction was so cute it took three to show what I could.
We have a bundle of different sizes, shapes, textures and colors of beads what better way to use them then sort, match, and just plum feel those awesome little things. Using their fine motor skills to sort and match is a wonderful exercise with out even knowing what they are exercising. Brayden and Elijah have formed such a wonderful friendship, we will miss Elijah very much when he leaves for the summer. And in the fall he will be starting Kindergarten. On a day that is not such a good day to spend time outside the kids get a lot of fun out of playing with the ol play dough
Brayden and Skyler are also wonderful friends, the boys have so much fun together.
This morning as I was watching out the window from the day care room in front. I noticed what I thought was mist blowing very gently in the air. So I went to the door, looked out, and it was the finist mist I had not seen in a long time. Elijah had just pulled in with his mother, and I felt pretty goofy asking if she thought it was raining. She pointed out to me of the beautiful rainbow behind the house, Of course by the time I got the camera to get the good shot, the good shot was gone, but you can still see a trace of the rainbow just behind the American Flag. so pretty!!!
What a wonderful to go out kiting. The wind was perfect this morning. Lauren and Brooklyn had it going.
Go Paton!!!!. and Kade, we had so much fun..
Eliana's kite just wanted to hang around her today. We got it in the air for a few moments but not enough for Ms. Sheryll to get a awesome picture, but we got some of her kite hugging her...
Clara got the hang of things.
Gee, go Tanner!! Look at the fun. Hopefully the next few weeks will allow the kids to get their kites up at home.
Wow, they are doing a awesome job keeping those kites in flight!!!!!!!
With Elijah and Tanner getting their kites up about the same time. It was pretty amazing how well they did. I wont post the pictures of me trying to run down the road to get the kite in the air. Then with the kids help I learned you only have to get a little string out and get the wind behind it. hehehe
This morning brought the most awesome weather for flying our kites. So today was the day, Yay!!!. Kason got a pretty good start and off he went.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Clara was so proud to have gotten cuddled in to her special place with someones DS. She is so adorable. Of course Ms. Sheryll was watching, but couldn't let this moment go unnoticed.
With all of the awesome work Cheyenne has been doing
outside, I am so proud of my son for helping me out so much. He is very professional and particular with every type of work or project he does. I can tell Noah that you would love to borrow him for your yard....you have came in every day impressed, that made me feel pretty darn good. Actually Cheyenne is starting his own business with lots of experience behind him, doing Tile work. Kitchens, bathrooms, counter tops, floors. He also does wood flooring. Keep him in mind, if you need or know someone that needs so professional work done. His business name is Artistic Flooring and Tile. 870-204-4044. He has a awesome portfolio and references.
We love our earth, we contributed to National Earth
Day by planting two bushes. The kids went wild with
getting to touch, the plant, feel the soil. Even though
the soil was very smelly, they all had no problem getting
their little hands dirty. Lots of fun.........
Eliana, Kason, & Brooklyn are preparing their kites for take off.
The kids were enjoying our fun activity today. They got to make kites with all their friends and now we cant wait to take them out and fly them. That will be fun!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
We have been making mobiles with some of our weather symbols, Rainbow coming out on top of course. This is giving the kids a opportunity to learn the different types of the forecast here. Lightening with thunder clouds, windy, sunny, clear puffy white clear skies, and sunny but a little cloudy. Wow, I was the worlds worst at learning the names of those silly clouds in third grade. Still don't know them......Shame on me I know....
This airplane kite is in flight right there in our playroom. awesome!!!
And the little bumble bee got caught up with the shelf.... oouch....
To go along with our Spring Theme is spring colors and Butterflies again. We have been talking about things that fly, so butterflies, bees, the wind and kites have been on our minds.
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" We were just learning a few days ago how caterpillars grow up to be beautiful butterflies. So the perfect story for the afternoon.