Above was are picture in the Harrison Daily Times, Friends of the Library salute National Library Week. Preschool reading program: Librarian volunteers visit 15 preschools in Harrison and Boone Co. monthly to read aloud to students and hopefully kindle their interest in learning to read. More then 500 books have been acquired for the program.
Outreach librarian Carol Moran along with Mrs. Betty Hayes chose ABC Preschool as their number one choice to photograph and put it in the paper due to the fact that they are so impressed at how well our children behave, and are
so interested in the reading event.
Game time for the afternoon. Things outside were a little messed up as you all could see. But the tree trimming was important as well.
These girls were having a blast at dress up, and what was so adorable was when they were trying to fix each others hair. I missed the good shots as usual because I had to run to get the camera, when getting back for the shot they were off doing something else.
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