What a wonderful day, Outside play, sidewalk chalk, penata, tootsie pops, PIZZA!!, and fun with friends. Yippie, now nap and we will see more sunshine outside when we get up. We will miss you Elijah...today is his last day, Kason, Kade and Keeton next Friday. We Love You...!
Everyone got plenty, I think they have gotten use to the penata's around here. They know just what to do.!!!!!!!
Look at those intense little looks, we cheered each and every one of them on.
What a crew, Kason, Lauren, Tanner, Skyler, Eliana, Brooklyn, Brayden, Peyton, Jaxon, Kade, Elijah and Clara. Not included was Michelle, who was absent today, Keeton, Sofie, and Madison, all whom is inside with Kathy.
All of the beautiful little children, no matter what their ages, 2,3,4, or 5, they get along so well. And have a blast with each other playing.
Outside in this beautiful, awesome, brisk nice sunny day. We was smelling the honey suckle that has bloomed and smells so good. What a wonderful aroma coming from the playground.
We are all going to miss Elijah so much, he is got a tender heart toward all of his friends, and we love him so much. Today was a fun day playing with him and all of our other friends.