What a wonderful day, Outside play, sidewalk chalk, penata, tootsie pops, PIZZA!!, and fun with friends. Yippie, now nap and we will see more sunshine outside when we get up. We will miss you Elijah...today is his last day, Kason, Kade and Keeton next Friday. We Love You...!
Now, time to kick back and enjoy.
Everyone got plenty, I think they have gotten use to the penata's around here. They know just what to do.!!!!!!!
The Penata busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, wow go,go, go!!
Look at those intense little looks, we cheered each and every one of them on.
What a crew, Kason, Lauren, Tanner, Skyler, Eliana, Brooklyn, Brayden, Peyton, Jaxon, Kade, Elijah and Clara. Not included was Michelle, who was absent today, Keeton, Sofie, and Madison, all whom is inside with Kathy.
Chalk pictures, so pretty and nice, and easy to wash away!!
All of the beautiful little children, no matter what their ages, 2,3,4, or 5, they get along so well. And have a blast with each other playing.
The memories of preschool.
Sharing good times with our friends.
Outside in this beautiful, awesome, brisk nice sunny day. We was smelling the honey suckle that has bloomed and smells so good. What a wonderful aroma coming from the playground.
We are all going to miss Elijah so much, he is got a tender heart toward all of his friends, and we love him so much. Today was a fun day playing with him and all of our other friends.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Keeton expression tells it all, we had a blast with the para shoot today, they shook it up and down, bounced a ball on it, and laid underneth it. Lots of fun, we worked on our Penata today, not so sure how it is going to play out for using it tomorrow, so if you see a regular store bough one dont be suprised. We may be able to salvage this one for future use. But getting to make one was alot of fun, we will finish it... Along with para shooting, working a lot more on the Penata, and playing with the para shoot, we got to watch a video, which we never get to do much of any more. Little Foot is such a cute show, one of my favorite movies, Tomorrow, lets make sure we all try real hard to get to school, it will be our last party for a while.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Here it is all wet, tomorrow we will be decorating it. We played with the ballon today passing it back and forth as we sat down in the play area. It was tough sometimes keeping it in the air and not hitting the ground, but it was a blast trying to keep it up and going.
What about those Fire drills and Tornado drills, yes we do them each month. The kids know just what to do in case of a emergency. You want to make sure that you talk to your children about a safe place to go to meet. Should a emergency arise.
Three beautiful picture of two beautiful girls playing, Clara is so pretty playing dress up, and Madison is adorable playing in the mirror, watching herself then laughing.
What are we working on? Well let me tell you!!!. Party Friday, and we are working on a Pinata' We have some friends leaving for the summer and some new ones coming in so we all want to have a party together so we can have one last very very fun day with all of our old friends here. No body should miss out. Friday !!!!!