Tuesday, October 19, 2010

 Who knows how these pictures are going to line up on this blog. But this is some from today. We had the story told of the five little pumkins sitting on the gate. We carved out our jack-o-lantern!!! Lite it up in a dark room !!! They had a blast touching the insides, feeling the texture, and we got real brave and pulled it all out. It was awesome...My son dropped in just long enough that Killian my grandbaby got his picture taken with our pumkin. I thought that some of the children would think the feel of the slimey inside would be just to gross, but it there wasnt that much complaining. They were ackually very interrested. This also goes along with our theme this week of using our senses. Touch being one of them. We took pride in coloring our pictures as well. They worked really hard and did a awesome job.

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